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Remember Me: Where are They Now?

Remember Me: Where are They Now?

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Remember Me: Where are They Now?

This is a multiple part interview conducted by the Target Accelerators team. Participating companies have been asked to share details about themselves and their brand after completing a Target Accelerators program.

Remember Me‘s Mission is to celebrate uniqueness by discovering new things about each other and sharing it with the world” as described by their co-founder Corina. Our team took a few moments and a quick email exchange to catch up with Target Forward Founders Cohort 1 Alumnus to talk about the Remember Me story and what’s next for their card game.

Target Accelerators: What inspired you to you start your brand?
Corina: Benito and I started Remember Me when we both lacked connections and were tired of the “surface-level” conversations. We wanted to know the random quirks about people that often get overlooked, what made them laugh, and get to know who people are. We thought games bring people together, so why not make a game? After brainstorming, testing on friends, family, and strangers, and tweaking our prototype a lot! We finally landed on the final version of Remember Me.

Target Accelerators: What is something you’ve learned from your program that you still use til this day?
Corina: We learned so much every day in this fantastic program. We learned to believe in ourselves and that we are in the right place to be the founders of our business. It sounds cliche, but this is the foundation of what propels us forward. I remember the first day we were on a call with the other founders and leaders from the Target Accelerators program. It was daunting, and imposter syndrome kicked in, “I don’t think our business is ready enough to be here,” we thought. Shortly after Alana (our Program Manager) said, “I want you to know that each of you is here for a reason because we saw something special in your business, and you belong here.” These words were the encouragement we needed then, and we kept repeating them to ourselves throughout the program and afterward, too.

The Remember Me Card Game with the game box, 4 categories of cards, and the instruction manual displayed on a cream table.

Target Accelerators: What is next for your brand?
Corina: Our goal is to buckle down and execute a new social media strategy for Remember Me. In addition to that, we are getting ready for 2023, which will be a year of new games for us! We’re excited to bring out Recuerdame, the Spanish version of our ice-breaker game. Recuerdame is a tribute to our culture and background of being first-generation Mexican-Americans.

Target Accelerators: What is one piece of advice you have for fellow entrepreneurs?
Corina: Remember that every business grows differently. The best thing to do is focus on your individual growth and what will work for your business. When times get tough, always refer back to your “Why”! 🙂

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About the founder

The headshots of Benito Salazar Jr. and Corina Zarate, the co-founders of the Remember Me Card Game and a Target Accelerators alumni.
Benito and Corina are co-founders of Remember Me The Card Game, a table- top ice-breaker game created in Austin, Texas. In 2018, they were two recent college graduates in a new city wanting to make connections. After networking events and meeting new people, they noticed they weren't the only ones having trouble meeting new people. People often glanced at their phones, had conversations about work, and repeatedly answered questions like "what do you do?". Everyone had something in common: the need for genuine relationships. This is where the idea and brainstorming started. They wanted to create a way to have more meaningful conversations with friends, family, and strangers, and thus (after two years and lots of coffee) Remember Me The Card Game was born

Post topic(s): Toys & entertainment Target Takeoff Women-ownedMature

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